Pescuit Sportiv


3.0Free9 years ago

Download Pescuit Sportiv APK latest version Free for Android

Version 3.0
Size 34M
Developer Clear Fishing Inc
Category Apps, Sports
Package Name com.clearfishing.pescuitsportiv
OS 2.2 and up

Pescuit Sportiv APPLICATION description

Pescuit Sporiv - Clear Fishing este o aplicatie adresata pescarilor incepatori sau celor mai experimentati care vor sa prinda noi specii. Afla cum poti captura cele mai importante 30 de specii de pesti de apa dulce:

-in ce locuri le gasesti
-cu ce tehnici le prinzi,
-monturile, nadele si momelile eficace
-nodurile si echipamentele necesare
-sfaturi si secrete pretioase.

Iata mai pe larg ce contine aplicatia in cele 9 capitole:


33 de specii de pesti de apa dulce prezentate fiecare cu caracteristicile, arealul, locurile unde pot fi capturate, tehnicile recomandate, momelile si nalucile prinzatoare, echipamentele necesare etc.

Nade si momeli

Cele mai importante nade si momeli folosite in pescuitul de apa dulce.


Alege rapid montura potrivita din cele 20 prezentate folosind codul nostru de culori. Monturile acopera principalele tehnici de pescuit: pe rauri sau balti, la undita, cu lanseta pe fund sau la pluta, la rapitori cu naluci sau momeli naturale, la feeder, la crap.
Explicam clar, pas cu pas, cu imagini, cum se realizeaza fiecare montura. In plus, fiecare articol arata unde si cand se foloseste montura, cu ce momeli, avanatejele si dezavanatejele ei. La final, o serie de sfaturi si secrete.


Pescari cu experienta si rezultate in competiti au ales, din zecile de noduri folosite in pescuitul sportiv, 7 care acopera majoritatea situatiilor. Prezentam pas cu pas, cu desene clare, modul de realizare al fiecaruia.

Tehnici de pescuit

Iti aratam 8 tehnici esentiale in pescuitul sportiv: masurarea adancimii, lestarea corecta a plutei, metoda de pescuit la pluta pe lat, metoda de pescuit la pluta pe cadere, metoda de pescuit la taras, nadirea cu prastia, lansarea peste cap. Imaginile insotite de explicatii te vor ajuta sa le inveti pe fiecare.
Lansarea peste cap, cea mai folosita tehnica de aruncare cu lanseta, este explicata cu animatii video originale (cu segmente in slow motion), desene, fotografii si texte. Vei putea invata cum sa executi aceasta tehnica esentiala, atat cu echipamentul de spinning, cat si cu cel de baitcasting.


Trusa unui pescar este mult mai complicata si incapatoare decat poseta oricarei femei. 27 de articole cu imagini te vor ajuta sa intelegi ce trebuie sa contina trusa ta. Iti propunem chiar si o solutie de organizare, cu ajutorul unei truse fotografiate in care fiecare element este clickabil si te duce intr-un articol.


Echipamentul folosit in pescuit a ajuns sa fie foarte sofisticat. 58 de articole cu ilustratii clare explica anatomia carligului, unditei, lansetei si mulinetei, caracteristicile si tipurile fiecareia. Iti propunem solutii clare pentru:

-primul echipament
-echipamente dedicate pescuitului pe rau sau pe balta, la pluta sau pe fundul apei
-echipament de crap, feeder sau rapitori
-echipament de spinning sau baitcasting


Articole cu ilustratii despre cele mai bune locuri de pescuit in cele doua tipuri de ape (statoare si curgatoare).

Sfaturi si secrete

Informatii importante pentru succesul unei partide de pescuit si progresul carierei tale de pescar.

Daca vrei informatii mai ample despre tehnici de pescuit, monturi, momeli, nade, fire, noduri, sfaturi si secrete, descopera si celelalte aplicatii lansate international sub marca Clear Fishing. Am conceput si structurat informatiile cu grija, pentru ca tu sa ai mai mult succes in viitoarele partide de pescuit.

Clear Fishing este marca internationala a Picnic Media.

Picnic Media este operatorul revistei de pescuit nr.1 din Romania - Aventuri la pescuit/ Pescuit pur si simplu, al celui mai mare targ de pescuit din tara Expo Aventuri la pescuit si vanatoare/ Expo Pescuit pur si simplu, al unei serii de 21 de ghiduri de pescuit de succes national, al siturilor www.aventuri si

Spore Fishing - Fishing Clear is an application addressed to beginners or the more experienced anglers who want to catch new species. Learn how to capture the most important 30 species of freshwater fish:

-in which places you find
-with what techniques you catch,
-monturile, effective baits and lures
-nodurile and equipment needed
-Tips and precious secret.

Here's more detail in the application that contains 9 chapters:


33 freshwater fish species presented each with characteristics, habitat, places where they can be captured recommended techniques, baits and lures prinzatoare, necessary equipment etc.

Baits and lures

The most important fishing baits and lures used in freshwater.


Quickly choose the right mount of the 20 submitted using our code of colors. Mount covering the main fishing techniques: the rivers and ponds, the rod, bottom longline or raft, the kidnappers lure or natural bait, the feeder, the carp.
Clearly explained, step by step, with pictures, as is done each mount. In addition, each article shows where and when using the mount, what baits and dezavanatejele avanatejele them. Finally, a number of tips and secrets.


Fishermen experienced and results in competitiveness chose from dozens of nodes used in angling 7 that covers most situations. Step-by-step, with clear drawings, the embodiment of everyone.

Fishing Techniques

8 shows you the essential techniques in sport fishing: Depth, correct ballasting cork, cork fishing method on wide raft fishing method falling, crawling fishing method, nadir slingshot launch the head. Images accompanied by explanations will help you learn each.
Launch upside, the most common technique throwing rod is explained with original video animations (with segments in slow motion), drawings, photographs and texts. You will learn how to execute this technique essential, both with spinning equipment, and with the baitcasting.


A fisherman kit is more complicated and spacious than any woman's purse. 27 items with images will help you understand what your kit should contain. We propose a solution even organizational photographed using a kit in which each element is clickable and takes you into an article.


The equipment used in fishing has become very sophisticated. 58 items with clear illustrations explain anatomy hook, fishing rod, rod and reel, characteristics and types of each. We are proposing clear solutions for:

-first equipment
-equipment dedicated to fishing on the river or pond, the cork or on the bottom
-Equipment carp feeder or predatory
-Equipment spinning or baitcasting


Articles with illustrations about the best fishing spots in the two types of water (static and flowing).

Tips and Secrets

Important for a successful fishing trips and progress your career fisherman.

If you extensive information about fishing techniques, rigs, lures, baits, wires, nodes, tips and secrets, discover and other applications launched by Clear Fishing. We designed and structured information carefully, for you to have more success in future fishing trips.

Clear Fishing is worldwide brand of Picnic Media.

Picnic Media is fishing magazine No.1 operator in Romania - Adventures Fishing / Fishing simply the largest fair in the country Expo Fishing Adventures Fishing and hunting / fishing Expo simply of a series of 21 national successful fishing guides, the sites www.aventuri and