Downloading 50+ construction calculators 5.0 APK


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APK File Dump Information (Manifest)

Filename com.zhitov.demo_5_269290.apk
Permissions ‣ android.permission.INTERNET
‣ android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
Features ‣ android.hardware.touchscreen
Languages --_--; aa; ba; ca; da; fa; ga; ha; ia; ja; ka; la; ab; lb; gd; id; ae; be; ce; de; ee; he; ie; af; ff; bg; ig; kg; lg; bh; ch; bi; fi; hi; ii; ji; ki; li; fj; kj; ak; ik; kk; el; gl; kl; am; bm; km; an; bn; en; gn; in; kn; ln; bo; co; eo; fo; ho; io; ko; lo; ar; br; cr; fr; hr; kr; as; bs; cs; es; is; ks; et; ht; it; lt; cu; eu; gu; hu; iu; ku; lu; av; cv; dv; gv; jv; kv; lv; iw; kw; ay; cy; fy; hy; ky; az; dz; hz
Densities 160; 240; 320; 480
Screens small; normal; large; xlarge