Downloading Pebble Keyboard 2.003 APK


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APK File Dump Information (Manifest)

Filename com.jb.gokeyboard.theme.supercolor.themes.pebble_3_12031080.apk
SDK 14
Permissions ‣ android.permission.INTERNET
‣ android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE
‣ android.permission.WAKE_LOCK
‣ com.jb.gokeyboard.theme.supercolor.themes.pebble.permission.C2D_MESSAGE
Features ‣ android.hardware.touchscreen
Languages --_--; ca; da; fa; ja; ka; na; pa; ta; ua; za; ab; nb; ec; ad; cd; id; be; de; ee; ke; ne; pe; se; te; ve; af; bg; sg; ug; ph; th; zh; bi; fi; hi; si; vi; dk; kk; mk; sk; uk; el; gl; ml; nl; pl; sl; tl; am; km; bn; hn; in; kn; mn; nn; vn; ao; bo; co; ko; lo; no; ro; jp; kp; gq; sq; ar; br; cr; fr; gr; hr; mr; sr; tr; ur; bs; cs; es; is; ms; et; gt; it; lt; pt; cu; eu; gu; hu; ru; zu; cv; lv; sv; bw; gw; iw; rw; sw; zw; by; hy; ky; my; py; az; cz; mz; tz; uz; bs_BA; en_CA; fr_CA; lo_LA; ar_MA; ar_QA; ar_SA; en_GB; ar_LB; bn_BD; ar_SD; ar_TD; ar_AE; et_EE; ka_GE; ar_YE; fa_AF; ar_EG; ky_KG; en_SG; ar_BH; km_KH; ar_DJ; fa_TJ; zh_HK; si_LK; mk_MK; ur_PK; sq_AL; iw_IL; hy_AM; ar_KM; my_MM; ar_OM; zh_CN; pa_IN; ta_IN; te_IN; ml_IN; en_IN; kn_IN; mr_IN; gu_IN; mn_MN; ar_TN; ar_JO; ar_SO; ne_NP; ar_IQ; pt_BR; ar_ER; fa_IR; ar_MR; gl_ES; eu_ES; is_IS; ar_PS; es_US; pt_PT; en_AU; ar_KW; zh_TW; be_BY; ar_LY; ms_MY; ar_SY; az_AZ; ar_DZ; kk_KZ; uz_UZ
Densities 160; 213; 240; 320; 480; 640; 65535
Screens small; normal; large; xlarge